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Definition: Contract Form

Automated contract form on Seraphin.legal

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What is a contract form?


A contract form is a short document consolidating the basic information needed to understand the contract.

It is intended to centralise the essential information needed to have an overall view and to take control of the contract.

Depending on the contract management processes and the nature of the information, contract records can be created and enriched manually or automatically following the drafting of your document.

The contract sheets provide a first level of information when you search within your contract library.


Benefits of the contract form


We have daily exchanges with many in-house lawyers, contract managers or operational staff who often tell us about their contractual problems. Here are a few examples of problems encountered and the solutions made possible thanks to the contract sheets to gain clarity and enrich your contract library.


Problem 1: Manual entry of contract forms


Assumption: The business person creates the contract from a contract library but does not complete the contract form.

When contracts are created from static Word or Excel templates made available to operational teams, some legal teams often struggle to retrieve the contract files.

Indeed, whether it is due to a lack of time, organization or forgetfulness, this granting of independence via a contract library can also lead to a loss of visibility and information.


đź’ˇ Good to know: It is indeed bad practice for each operational to keep their version of a contract stored locally on their PC

  • Contract data is not centralised, which does not allow finance, legal or other teams to have access to contract data to manage the contract
  • Reusing the same model several months later is a legal and financial risk as the model may turn out to be obsolete.


Solution : Automated document generation via a Contract management software. The information contained in your contract form is collected automatically from your document generationform.


Problem 2: Lack of centralized storage and scattered information


Assumption: Contractual information is scattered and lost in different files.

As a result of this practice, information can be lost through departures or internal mobility, especially when these files are stored locally. Indeed, 71% of companies fail to locate at least 10% of their contracts.


Solutions: Archiving of all contractual data in a dedicated space


Thanks to a contract management software : Your contract and the associated file are centralized and automatically archived in a dedicated space. All documents are accessible thanks to a search engine allowing you to find your documents from the data of your contract (parties, objects, date ofexpiry date etc...)


With a dedicated person : Delegate this task to an in-house person. This could be a dedicated lawyer, a legal assistant or a legal knowledge manager dedicated to the collection, creation and centralisation of contract forms or any other contractual documents.



Problem 3: Heterogeneous structuring of contract forms


Hypothesis: Information is not very readable and is organised differently for different employees.

Indeed, structuring knowledge is a process that involves adhering to certain beneficial standards that have many advantages. Benchmarks provide clarity and save time. Feel free to create templates for similarly structured contract sheets.


Thanks to a contract management software: Without creating templates of contract sheets, the key contractual information (object, parties, amount, duration etc...) constitute blocks that you can add in one click following the creation of your document.


If there is no tool : You can create templates of contract forms containing the same information and the same structure. It is also possible to distinguish the templates according to the type of contract or type of activity. Your contract library will then be composed of a document template and the appropriate contract form for each type of contract.


Example of an automated contract form


Contract files (contract management software)



Choose to combine contractual performance and legal certainty

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