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Legal Hackathon - A new lawyer is in the making

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This first Legal Hackathon organised by a law school will be remembered for a long time. After 6 months of collaborative work, the first class of these future lawyers who are going to transform the profession put on a show during the final pitches: theatre, films, public speaking, legal design and demos of proto apps developed in 48 hours during a final sprint with coders from Epitech Strasbourg and professionals who came to help them: VERY GREAT ART in Alsace. The jury had tears in their eyes.

Si 4 projets ont été distingués et seront accompagnés par la suite, les 10 valent le coup d’œil : https://www.legaltech.store/categorie…/lab-legal-tech-store/

Winners of the 2019 edition :

21 June 2019 will be long remembered.

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