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Artificial Lawyer: “Seraphin, A Pioneer in French Legal Tech”

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A classic example of ‘le legal tech‘ in action can also be seen in Seraphin.Legal, a group of innovators based in central Paris. Artificial Lawyer caught up recently with Thibaud Tancréde and Gibran Freitas, who help run the organisation.


A classic example of ‘le legal tech‘ in action can also be seen in Seraphin.Legal, a group of innovators based in central Paris. Artificial Lawyer caught up recently with Thibaud Tancréde and Gibran Freitas, who help run the organisation.



CEO (directeur général) du groupe Seraphin.legal, Thomas est un innovateur hors pair ! Il développe le business de Seraphin et anime notre écosystème Legal Tech. Sur place, il est en charge du suivi des projets et des relations client.

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